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Comparison of metacognitive model among obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and healthy subjects

891-895Full Text

Fatemeh Agheli, Ramazan Hasanzadeh*, Daryoush Ghasemian

To test the hypothesis that metacognitions might be different among patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and healthy subjects (HS) were studied. Patients with OCD (n = 50), patients with GAD (n = 50), and HS (n = 50) were assessed with the Thought Fusion Instrument (TFI), Beliefs about Rituals Inventory (BARI) and Stop Signals Questionnaire (SSQ). Descriptive analysis used for data frequency, mean and standard deviation, Also ANOVA and Tukey HSD test were calculated. Results showed that Thought Fusion, Beliefs about Rituals Inventory and Stop Signals in each group has differed significantly from others.

Compare of intolerance of uncertainty among obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and healthy subjects

896-899Full Text

Fatemeh Agheli, Ramazan Hasanzadeh* and Daryoush Ghasemian

Intolerance of uncertainty has been defined as the unwillingness to tolerate the possibility that negative events may occur in the future, no matter how low the probability Previous research suggests that intolerance of uncertainty may be more specific to worry and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) than to other anxiety disorders Therefore, the current study compared intolerance of uncertainty in individuals with GAD, OCD and HS. Individuals with GAD or OCD reported more intolerance of uncertainty than controls, but they did not differ significantly from each other. These findings suggest that intolerance of uncertainty may be a central theme in a number of the anxiety disorders.

Product of min-by-max subgroups and relations with residual finite group

900-905Full Text

B. Razzaghmaneshi

A group G is called min-by-max if it has a normal subgroup N with minimal condition such that the factor group G/N satisfies the maximal condition. And the finite residual J(G) of a group G is the intersection of all normal subgroups of finite index of G. In this paper we show that if A1,A2,…,An are finitely many pairwise permutable abelian min-by-max subgroups of the group G such that G=A1…An, then G is a soluble min-by-max group and J(G)=J(A1)…J(An).

Scheduling Algorithm by Business Process Management System

906-912Full Text

Mehdi Effat Parvar, Masoud Mobasheri Demne* and Rama Nikbakhsh

In this article we try to present a method for scheduling the usage time of recourses in systems which base on processes concepts. At first we explain the concepts of BPMS , and then use BMPS’ concepts to simulate a group of related systems. After that we simulate the model by using a method similar to the Markov’s model. In the end we, by using a purposed algorithm, offer a table for dividing the resources fairly.

If you Don’t Know your Destination, Any Road Can Take you: On the Merits of Instructional Objectives

913-919Full Text

Masoud Zoghi and Mohammad Reza Hasannejad*

Identifying objectives which is the first step in planning can lead the instructional and assessment processes and also provides us with reliable and valid information about student achievement. To this end, the current study compared two groups of Iranian EFL learners. A pretest and posttest design was used, where participants’ ability to recognize and produce the target feature was assessed. Results showed that EG performed significantly better than CG in recognition, and as well as in production on the posttest. The students views, elicited after the study, were compatible with the data obtained from the analysis of the first question quantitative data.

Development of PSO algorithm to increase the operation of port attraction

920-928Full Text

Reza Moayedfar* and Isa Abazari

Marine transportation system nowadays has special importance in international trade because of easy access and relative low costs. Ports as part of this system also play main role inmarine transportation process. Purpose of this research is to provide an algorithm for increasingoperation of port attraction. To make a model, variables whether dependent or independent should be determined. Dependent variable, here is operation of port in separation of goods. Studies show that physical specifications of ports such as length of jetty, number of jetty, number of cranes in jetty and beach, area of store, etc are the most important factors in operation of port. Therefore, these parameters are considered as independent parameters. At first, by using available information and statistics, operation of port in separation of goods is determined and then by referring to site of considered ports,we will extract physical specifications of ports. Modeling will be done by SPSS software and linear multivariable regression. Optimization of models is done by aforesaid software and using PSO algorithm. Finally, we analyze the models sensitively by using excelsoftware in order to study way and amount of effect of every parameter on objective functions.

Evaluation of qualitative traits of corn grains under intercropping of corn and bean systems

929-933Full Text

Vahideh Biareh*, Saeid Sayfzadeh, Jahanfar Daneshian, Mohsen Yousefi and Masoud Shiriyan

In order to investigate of intercropping corn and red bean, an experiment as randomized complete block design with 3 replications was conducted on Zanjan university research farm in 2011. The experimental treatments included: T1: monoculture of corn, T2: replacement intercropping system 1:1 ratio (50% of corn + 50% of bean), T3: replacement intercropping system 1:2 ratio (67% of corn + 33% of bean), T4: replacement intercropping system 2:1 ratio (33% of corn + 67% of bean), T5: replacement intercropping system 2:2 ratio (50% of corn + 50% of bean), T6: intercropping additive system with 100% of corn + 5% of bean ratio, T7: intercropping additive system with 100% of corn + 15% of bean ratio, T8: intercropping additive system with 100% of corn + 25% of bean ratio, T9: intercropping additive system with 100% of corn + 35% of bean ratio, T10: monoculture of bean. Results showed that intercropping systems had significant effect on grain qualitative characteristics of corn. For example, intercropping additive system with 100% of corn + 15% of bean ratio treatment had the highest protein content with mean of 10.81%.

A New Look to Mecca and Qoraysh from the beginning to the end of the reign of Qosai ben kelab

934-939Full Text

Seyyed Rahim Mousavi

In the history of Islam, The holy city of Mecca and its original inhabitants (Qoraysh) have always had a special place, because in the early rise of Islam, Mecca was regarded as the religious center of the Arabian Peninsula, and was respected by all the Arabs. So that, in the Hajj season and etc. a lot of visitors drew toward it, and this position or being the religious center, was confirmed during the Islamic period. On the other hand, the Mecca was the house of people whom were strictly respected by public. This people, who were responsible for a leading religious role, were called Quraysh. Thanks to their residence in Mecca and running the holly shrine (Kaaba), they had a special position. Certainly the history of Mecca and Qoraysh before Islam is important in studying the history of Islam, A history that has mired in a halo of legends, colorful and sometimes conflicting narratives. By analyzing different historical narratives, comparing them and making adaptability between them, we can have a new look to the dark aspects of this history especially to the field of religious affairs and trade.

Application of Laplace Adomian Padé approximant to solve exponential stretching sheet problem in fluid mechanics

940-946Full Text

𝐀.𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐢 and 𝐁.𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐡∗

The purpose of this study is to apply Laplace Adomian Decomposition Method (LADM) for obtaining the analytical and numerical solutions of a nonlinear differential equation that describes a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow under the stretching sheet problem. By using this method, the similarity solutions of the problem are obtained. For obtaining computational solutions, we combined the obtained series solutions by the LADM with the Padé approximation. The method is easy to apply and give high accuracy results. From the tables and figures efficiency of the presented technique is shown.

The relationship between corporate governance quality and performance of the companies in Tehran Stock Exchange

947-953Full Text

Leila lak

Corporate Governance is the responsibility and practices used by executives and managers tasked with the goal of determining strategic direction to ensure the achievement of objectives, risk control, and resource consumption (Yeganeh, 2006). Tools high quality corporate governance in companies reduces costs-capital, increase liquidity and financial resources, potential.Facilitate the ability to overcome the crisis and prevent exclusion of companies with good management are become capital markets. Good corporate governance practices in the country to prevent the outflow of domestic funds, an increase in foreign investment,increase the competitive strength of the economy and capital markets, to overcome the crisis, efficient resource allocation and is achieve a higher level of development.(Cansizlar, 2003). The purpose of this study is the relationship between the quality of corporate governance and value and performance companies operating in the Tehran Stock Exchange. The sample consisted of 80 companies during the period 1385 to 1388. The findings indicated a significant relationship exists between the qualities of corporate governance corporate values but there is no significant relationship between the quality of corporate governance and firm performance.

The Effect of Thermal and Non Thermal Food Processes and Cooking Method in some Essential Mineral Contents in Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) in Iran

954-959Full Text

Parisa Ziarati* and Haineh Rabizadeh

This research builds upon: Determination, evaluation and comparing major essential minerals and trace elements contents (Iron, copper, zinc, manganese, Calcium , Magnesium and selenium) as nutritional value in mostly consumed brands of packaged mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) samples purchased from Tehran markets in different states (sliced and conventional) and investigation the Effect of different cooking method (raw, cooked, fried, microwaved), in these minerals .540 samples from the most famous packaged brands of Agaricus bisporus (white) were purchased in Tehran, Iran in 2013 in 2 consecutive months from January till August . Results indicated that the mean content of Zn, Cu and Fe in all samples has been increased by fried method while decreased significantly by microwaved method ( p 0.01). Magnesium and Calcium contents in raw state are the highest amount while heating by microwaved reduced these essential elements ( p 0.03). Selenium contents in cooked and fried method respectively show the highest and microwaved the lowest point. This investigation revealed that Thermal and Non Thermal Food Processes in Agaricus bisporus affected meaningfully the essential and trace mineral contents ( Zn, Fe, Cu, Mg, Mn, Ca and Se).Despite of other studied elements zinc content in mushroom samples in raw state was less than microwaved condition.

Determining the Level of Development of with an Emphasis in Agricultural Section (Case study : Lorestan province)

960-963Full Text

Farhad Zand, Kamran Noori* and Maryam Zahirnia

The main purpose of development is to achieving sustainable development in order to proper utilization from resources, creating a balanced and harmonious relationship between human society and nature can be considered ideal development. This study has been done for determination of the degree of development of townships of Lorestan province with emphasis on agricultural sector. For determination of the degree of development has been used from 15 indices of major agricultural area and with using numerical taxonomy technique.Based on the results of the analysis of the matrix analysis of determination of the combined distance, all studied areas are homogenous relative to each other. The results show that Poldokhtar and Azna townships have 0.61314and 0.61459 the degree of developments which have the first and second ranks of this classification , respectively . Delfan and Aligoodarz Townships are most underdeveloped townships of province with 0.93508 and 0.99331 degree of development agriculturally respectively.

Quantitative and qualitative study of bioactive compounds of essential oils of plant Lippia citriodora by use of GC-MS technique

964-968Full Text

Noorkhoda yousefzadeh* and Mohammad hadi meshkatalsadat

This plant belongs to the verbenaceae family and from genus Lippia with scientific name Lippia citriodora. The leaves of this plant has effect anti fever, anti nerves pain, anti anemia, carminative. Also this plant were heart booster, and cause low blood sugar and treatment of migraine. In this study essential oils were extracted from aerial parts lippia citriodora (branche , leave and flower) via hydrodistillation(HD) method by clevenger set. By using of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry( GCMS) technique the component chemicals essential oil were identified. About 55 components with the help of GC-MS technique were identified which encompassed 97. 54% of the whole essential oil. The essential oil yields as a result of hydrodistillation 0.70% (weight/weight) was obtained (it has been based on dried materials). In essential oils Lippia citriodora cis sabinene hydrate (38.99%), spathulenol (10.4), cuparene (6.81%), α-terpineol (5.05%), geranyl acetate (3.91%), β-pinene (3.46%) and E citral (3.4%) were the major identified compounds. Oxygenated monoterpens group had the most highly percentage of essential oil. Because the type and percentage of plant essential oil compounds in each region is different with other regions, so the purpose of this study was to identify the constituents of essential oils extracted from plants and also to determine the percentage of each compound in the essential oil of Lippia citriodora used as drug.

Utility of ISSR molecule marker in examine of genetic diversity 17 genotypes of perennial alfalfa (Medicago sativa)

969-973Full Text

Maryam Rashidi*, Mohsen Farshadfar, Hooshmand Safari and Hooman Shirvani

The genetic diversity of 17 genotypes of alfalfa was studied using eight ISSR primers. A total of ISSR primers were able to detect 44 loci. The primers IS3, IS14 and IS11 showed highest number of bands (7) and the primer IS16 showed the lowest bands(3). The average polymorphism percent in primers used was 90%. The lowest polymorphism percent was for primers IS16, IS14, and IS5 and it was100% for the other primers. The average of PIC and MI for the studied primers was respectively, 0.36 and 1.88 that the maximum PIC and MI belonged to primers IS11, IS3, IS13 and IS9, and primer IS16 had the lowest PIC and MI. Cluster analysis by UPGMA method based on Dice coefficient for reviewing genotypes, classified them in 4 groups. Cluster analysis and Scatter plot based on first and second axis from principal coordinate analysis for genotypes, showed that genetic variation did not agreement with the geographical distribution.

Quantitative and Qualitative Comparison of Dracocephalom moldavica L. Essance under Drought Stress and its Interaction with Gibberellin and Ascorbate

974-977Full Text

Rezaei Halimeh* and NiKi Elham

Moldavian balm( Dracocephalom moldavica L.) is a resistant aromatic annual plant containing variable amounts of propanoids, monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. It has antibacterial properties and is used for toothache. In the present study under a completely random design with 4 replications effects of drought stress and its interaction with gibberellic and ascorbic acids were studied on Dracocephalom moldavica L. Treatments included drought stress at 2 levels( daily irrigation and no irrigation for 7 days), gibberellic and ascorbic acids at 2 levels( 0 and 10 mM). Plant samples were collected and dried for extraction and the chemical compounds were submitted to GC and GC/MS equipments for analysis. Results revealed that drought stress increased percent of essence concentration while the quality of the essence decreased. Gibberellin and ascorbate on the other hand reduced essence concentration while improving its performance. The main component of the essence was Citral( 27.55%). Drought stress reduced Geranyl acetate and Geranial contents while gibberellin and ascorbate increased these compounds.

Evaluating the Relationship between Firm Characteristics and Financial leverage

978-981Full Text

Sajedeh Hasannejadneisi*, Saeed Mazraeh and Zahra Mousavi

One of the characteristics of emerging markets, according to the parameters of the effective ways to maintain and develop the company's capital and risk management in the financial markets.It is necessary to have a comprehensive understanding of the financial position of the company and the environment affect the performance of different companies in different industries.According to different parameters such as position within the company and industry asset size, profitability, and liquidity risk of financial and corporate structure, and consequently are different.In this study the impact of these factors can be assessed by using leveraged financing. Population includes all pharmaceutical companies in Tehran Stock Exchange is accepted that all these companies from 2002 to 2005 were examined.Analysis of the findings of this study showed that there is a significant relationship between financial leverage and profitability.Also, the relationship between financial leverage and profitability was not significant. The findings related to the third hypothesis of this study showed that the relationship between financial leverage and firm size is not significant.


982-989Full Text

Mohammad Rahim Rahnama and Alireza Bidkhori*

This paper, first, briefly explained the usage of method in urban design process .then, configurative specifications of mashhad’s -one of the oldest and religious city of Iran- spaces are analyzed by space syntax methodology during three historical stages of its development (first stage, mashhad within the defensive wall limit; second stage, development of the city beyond defensive wall and construction of market, and the third stage, after street forming in 1940s), and the following results are to be used in the process of urban design. - The urban spaces have shaped based on the structural logic. - Manipulating or Intervening in space syntax method transforms the spatial structure of city. - The analysis of urban space configuration, using the “space syntax method”, enables the skillful society of urban designers to make the model which can predict the behavior in urban spaces.

Evaluating Quality of Lifein Rural Areas ofIran (Case studyofcentralregion in Sanandaj)

990-996Full Text

Rahmat Bahrami and Kamran Noori*

For centuries, people have been looking for a good life, but the question have always been that what is the good life.In response to this question, different definitions and indiceswhether subjective or objective are discussed for the quality of life.There is not any definition that is accepted by everyone in this regard.It must be said that the quality of life is strongly influenced by the factors of time and space and its constituent components will be different with respect to time and location and levels of development.However, this paper discusses the quality of life index in rural parts of Iran that was performed as the case in the city of Sanandaj.The city is located in Kurdistan province of Iran in the West.Method of study isdescriptive-analytical of a questionnaire-based survey, where the context related the quality of life has been assessed for the community of 361 families. The questionnaire used is formed in Likert 5 scale questions (from it is really ameliorated, 5 to reallydeteriorated, 1).In order to analyze data from field operations,two methods of descriptive and inferential statistics (t test, analysis of variance) are used.The findings, based on social, economic, and physical and environmental aspects show that in all components except the components of spare time and the component interaction and correlation, which are rated above average, the conditions of quality of life in studied rural community is lower than average.Analytical results show that the rural parts of Sanandaj city, in terms of the indices such as housing, drinking water, sanitation and income levels are not in a good situation. In order to empower the rural spaces to aachieve a better and more healthy life, the first step is spatial organizing, and then infrastructure planning and service providing with public participation.

Growth and Active Substances of Summer Savory as Affected by PGPR

997-1000Full Text

Shahram Sharafzadeh*, Asadollah Sabahi, Kourosh Ordookhani and Mahdi Zare

Summer savory, member of Labiatae family, is an annual plant. The plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can influence plant growth and metabolism. Azotobacter and Pseudomonas are two genera of the PGPR. In this study we applied two strains of Azotobacter (O4 and O6) and Pseudomonas strain MC1 in order to determine their effects on growth and active substances of summer savory. The experiment was carried out using a completely randomized design (CRD) with six replications. The bacteria altered growth characteristics and active substances of this plant. Essential oil percent was the maximum (1.87%) by application of Azotobacter strain O6 which was not significantly different when compared to other bacterial treatments. The highest value of oil yield (27.32 mg/plant) was achieved on Pseudomonas treatment which increased oil yield by 66% when compared to control. Thirty seven compounds were identified in the essential oils. 𝛾-terpinene (45.3-49.4%) and carvacrol (37.0-41.3%) were the major components.

The Examination of Abu-Sa'id Khedri's Hadith Regarding The Prohibition of Recording of Hadiths from Document - Rational View point

1001-1002Full Text

Ne'matollah Jafari* and Kamaran Oweissi

Contemporary Sunni Scholars believe that writing is a sign of human being's culture and a cause of growth and lasting of original religious teachings. The great negligence that some rulers of the Islamic Community (Ummah) have done regarding the hadiths of the Prophet is one of documents which the doctrine of the prohibition of writing - down of traditions have resorted to is the narration of Abu - Sa'id Khedri on the Holy Prophet of God- May God's peace and benediction be upon him. The hadith, mentioned above , is weak , and it is not able to resist the hadiths regarding the permitting of writing- down of the hadiths .Therefore , the doctrine of the prohibition of writing -down hadiths should not rely on Abu - Sa'id Khedri's hadith.